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Why Rawit ?
- As a specialized raw food company, we offer grain-free complete, balanced, and nutritional value meals.
- Our meals contain thousands of enzymes and antioxidants that cannot exist in modern heat processed foods.
- All our meals have been prepared by nutritional consultants based on AAFCO standards.
- All our recipes have been tested on some medical cases such as: fungus, allergies, ringworms, alopecia areata, kidney and liver diseases and all were cured without any medical treatments, people who switched their pets’ diet will see positive results within a couple of weeks.
- With RAWIT you don’t have to worry about toppers and supplementing your pet’s meals, all our recipes are supplemented with natural supplements.
- All you have to do is thaw, portion and feed!

Why Rawit ?

- As a specialized raw food company, we offer grain-free complete, balanced, and nutritional value meals.
- Our meals contain thousands of enzymes and antioxidants that cannot exist in modern heat processed foods.
- All our meals have been prepared by nutritional consultants based on AAFCO standards.
- All our recipes have been tested on some medical cases such as: fungus, allergies, ringworms, alopecia areata, kidney and liver diseases and all were cured without any medical treatments, people who switched their pets’ diet will see positive results within a couple of weeks.
- With RAWIT you don’t have to worry about toppers and supplementing your pet’s meals, all our recipes are supplemented with natural supplements.
- All you have to do is thaw, portion and feed!
What did they said about Rawit

من خلال تجربتنا الفطريات تتحسن بشكل كبير مع الروفود بالذات منتجكم وكذلك مع الحساسيه والجهاز الهضمي والكبد والكلى والجهاز البولي

After our cat started experiencing multiple UTI’s from commercial cat food, we decided to make the switch to raw food. Since the switch she has had none of the previous symptoms. We’re extremely happy with the results and would recommend ‘Raw it’ to anyone with a furry friend !

الاكل ممتاز ونظيف ومتكامل 👍🏻ولاحظت الفرق بصحه القطط من ناحيه رائحه الخروج اختفت نهائيا ورائحه الفم تقريبا شبه مافي .. يعطيكم العافيه خليتونا مانحتاج البيطري😍

والله بدون ما تتكلمون كل شي باين بالنتايج اللي نشوفها وحتى لون اللحوم يبين ان نيي مو مجمد من قبل والله انكم اقوى شركة وانظف شي لان اللي مجرب نفسي من اكاونتات ثانيه بتفرق معاه وايد بكل شي من صحة من نظافة الاكل واللون🌹🌹

و فعلاً شكراً عاللي سويتوه لان قطوي كان فعلياً كل يوم بالبيطري بس من عقبكم الحمدلله ما نشوف البيطري الا كل تطعيمه سنويه 👍🏼♥️
RAWIT offers the largest variety of raw food for all cats and dogs life stages.
RAWIT uses 100% human-grade protein sources and natural supplements to ensure the best quality you can ever get.
When you feed your pet from RAWIT you’ll have peace of mind. RAWIT follows strict food safety program in producing and storing raw food.